The night before the race we celebrated Kristy's birthday and did our very best not to over eat or drink! Such great luck that we got to celebrate and run a race in the very same weekend!
While I had said that I wouldn't be running I was still hopeful (as I have been every single day since getting injured) that I would wake up feeling good and ready to run. I tossed and turned all night. I dreamt of running, of the excitement of the race and woke up over and over feeling anxious and hopeful. Finally 6 a.m. showed up and Kristy's crazy scary alarm went off. Before getting up I was SO hopeful. After I got up I ignored the pain and tried my best to pretend it wasn't hurting at all. I put on my running clothes and hoped that no one was going to try and tell me that I couldn't or shouldn't do it. No one said anything about it and before we knew it the time had come to head out the door. Of course there was time for one quick photo.
We Run For Tish
When we got to the race we were about a half an hour early. It was chilly and windy but after the downpour we had experienced the day before we felt pretty good about our luck. We stood in the cold, with all of the other runners, and waited. I had decided that I was going to give it my best try. I was going to run until it hurt (too much) and then I was going to walk. I wanted to run with Kristy, Jo and Bryce so, so badly! As race time approached we began making our way to the starting line. Trav snapped a few photos of us.
I'm Ready!
Starting line here we come! (Kristy is very happy about this!)
The race started moments later and we were off. It began with a few blocks of hills...This was not what Kristy had expected but she powered through them like a champ! Pretty much right away the rain started coming down. It was just in time for the race and continued through the WHOLE race! We were soaked!! Deep down I had thought that I would likely not be able to run more than a block. Right away I altered my run. Every time my right foot (the same side as my injured hip) hit the ground I landed only on my toe. This made for an interesting 3.1 miles but it worked. My hip was irritated but never too painful. The run was an out and back course that followed the road on the way out and a trail next to the road on the way back. This was really helpful for keeping the scenery interesting. Different is always better. Jo pulled ahead of us early in the race and kept a short distance in front of us throughout the run. Bryce, Kristy and I ran together until we were a couple blocks from the finish line. Bryce had asked early on in the race if he could sprint to the finish line when he saw it and I told him that he could. As soon as he saw it he was off!!
We watched as Jo approached the finish line and were so excited for her!
Not far behind her we quickly approached the finish line. The announcer told us to get our victory high fives.
All the high fives!
We did it! All of Kristy and Jo's hard work and training had finally paid off! Bellingham Bay 5k...DONE! Kristy's accomplishment was extra special as it was her very first 5k! I am so glad that we were all able to do this race together!!
Happy faces after the race (that's a pretzel sticking out of Bryce's mouth...he was enjoying the post-race food!)
So we did it. We finished the 5k and for the next 2 days I hobbled around on very, very sore calves and feet. Now as I start to feel recovered from 3.1 miles of bad running form I am hopeful that I will be able to run without a limp again soon. Today marks one month since I injured myself. It has been a long, emotional month. I am not used to having no choice but to not run. Not only that, but to not be able to get any cardio exercise for most of this month was really hard. I am not going to lie, there were many times when I felt like breaking down and crying and a few times that I did just that. As I heal (very, very slowly) I am able to use the elliptical machine at the gym.
My plan is to use this often and for longer and longer periods of time. Hopefully by doing this when I am finally able to run again my legs and lungs will be ready to jump right back in and endure longer runs. We'll see. The Lake Padden Trail Half that I am signed up for is only 17 days away. I am hopeful that I will be able to run it but I also realize that this may not be possible. 17 days isn't very much time and only running 3.1 miles (with a limp) in the past 30 days, and not currently being able to run (without a limp) isn't promising training. Unfortunately for me races do not refund your money if you are injured. I am beginning to feel very foolish to have signed up for 2 half marathons so close together. This injury is becoming quite expensive!! I have been researching other possible half marathons to sign up for (after my injury is completely healed!). I will decide on which when I am able to run again.
For now I am just proud to say that we finished a 5k together, for Tish.
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