Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Time For Crutches

I haven't posted in here for a few weeks because nothing has really changed. It has now been eight weeks since that horrible run that has had me limping around, whining and complaining to anyone who will listen. As I had said before my IT band healed up completely but my hip continues to be very painful and won't let me run at all. Up until today I have been going to the gym regularly. While there I lift weights at use the elliptical machine. I began thinking that since so much time had passed maybe it would be good for me to start trying to build muscle around the hip. Last Friday I tried this and I have been in much worse pain ever since. I am thinking that building muscle probably is not the answer. So...like anyone who has something wrong with them and access to google, I decided to try and figure out what is going on in my irritatingly painful hip injury. What I came across as a likely answer is a hip stress fracture. I am keeping this internet diagnoses loosely as what is possibly going on. I am aware that the internet is not the best doctor.

I came across a list of three symptoms that if a patient has them then it is pretty much for sure a stress fracture and I have two...maybe three. The one that surprised me the most was that I cannot lie on my back and lift my leg while it is straight. I had no idea that I couldn't do that until I tried yesterday. Ouch. So I have decided to stop using my hip as much as possible. I am going to walk around on crutches and not do anything that aggravates it. Hopefully this will help. It will heal...eventually.

I wanted to mention that Tish would have been 38 this Friday. I will be raising my glass to her memory and keeping her in my heart where she always is. 


  1. Are you going to see a doctor soon? I hope you feel better quickly.

    1. No doctors yet. I'm uninsured and not willing to go into debt for my hip just yet!! Hopefully it will start feeling better soon!
