Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Out For Now, Optimistic For Later

So here I am at five weeks of being unable to run. If I had broken a bone it would almost be healed by now! This healing process is taking forever! I have been sad, frustrated, disappointed, hopeful and optimistic through these weeks. I never would have thought that I would still be unable to run after all this time. Unfortunately that is the case. I am slowly getting better. My IT band is healed entirely which is nice but my hip...not so much. I have been able to get in some great (and some pretty long) cardio workouts on the elliptical and lately have added in walking fast uphill on the treadmill. I added this in with the hopes of building some muscle around my hip to aid in the healing process. I haven't decided if it is helping or not just yet. I still limp through the house every morning but the pain seems to be less and less. In the afternoons and evenings I can walk normal...almost. Running is still completely out of the question. The pain begins with the first step of any attempt to run that I have made. I just need to be patient and let my body have the time that it needs.

Because of my injury taking FOREVER to heal I had to let the Lake Padden Trail Half Marathon go. It is only 10 days away and I had to accept that this is not enough time to heal and train for a half marathon. It was very difficult to come to this decision. There was a piece of me that was holding on to the idea that maybe I could still do it. A voice in my head cheering me on telling me that maybe I could walk/run it. There are 4 hours to complete it, I could do that...I think. That voice in my head was so loud and persistent that I was starting to believe that I could complete the half marathon despite my injury simply because I really, really wanted to. Fortunately I have Travis to remind me to think reasonably and not risk injuring myself further. To remind me that I haven't run at all (not counting me limping through the 5k) in five weeks and that "people usually train for half marathons". I'm glad that he doesn't let me forget to take care of myself. I am lucky to have him in my corner telling me things that I don't want to hear just to keep me from hurting myself. So even though I feel a little bit like a kid who just found out that there will be no Christmas this year I am letting the race go. Fortunately the race director said that it would be fine to give my registration to another runner. This makes me feel a little better because someone else will be able to run in my place. Hopefully this will make another runner happy and maybe get me some good running karma! I could use it obviously!!

So with both of my half marathons cancelled I will be looking for new ones to sign up and train for. There are a couple that I have my eyes on including the Seattle Rock 'n Roll half in June and the Lake Samish Half Marathon in January. There are others that I am considering as well, it will really depend on when I heal and what races are possible for me! I will get back out there...eventually. For now I will take care of myself and be optimistic, enjoy the things that I am able to do and be excited about what life has in store for me. That is what Running For Tish is all about after all. She is so missed, always in our thoughts and carried with us in our hearts.

And just for fun...a cat video. Makes me laugh every time. Poor kitty. 

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