Saturday, September 27, 2014

Finally Running For Tish

Tomorrow is the day! I will lace up and head out to the starting line. Before running my race I will have the honor of cheering on two strong, amazing women, Kristy and Jo as they run the Bellingham Bay 5k at 7:30. Bryce will also be running the 5k and I couldn't be more proud. At 9:30 my half marathon will begin! I am hoping to run it in under 2 hours but honestly I will be happy just to finish it.

I want to say thank you again for all of the donations that were made to Relay For Life. Sorry it took a year to pay up on the first of two half marathons but as we learn over and over, life thinks that it's funny when you make plans. As long as I make it through tomorrow injury free I will sign up for the Lake Padden Trail Half Marathon which is on October 18th. 
For Tish- with SO much love.